
APPG Welcomes IRFBA Statement on Persecution of Ahmadi Muslims

We welcome the statement by the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance (IRFBA), spotlighting the international persecution faced by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

The extent of persecution faced by Ahmadi Muslims is deeply disturbing and highlights the very real threat to life Ahmadi Muslims face in some countries.

But sadly the persecution goes much further and encompasses all aspects of life – from denial of education rights, employment rights and even the fundamental democratic right to vote.

These issues were highlighted in our 2020 report, ‘Suffocation of the Faithful: The Persecution of Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan and the rise of International Extremism’ and we note with grave concern that the persecution remains as intense, as extensive and as real today. Since that report was published more Ahmadis have been murdered, new laws and measures have been introduced to deny Ahmadi Muslims their religious freedoms and the threat to Ahmadi Muslim homes, institutions, mosques and even their online presence has worsened.

The statement by the IRFBA is a timely reminder that religious freedom is a fundamental human right and it is unacceptable that Ahmadi Muslims are not only denied this right but also are being murdered for their peaceful religious beliefs.

We call on the international community to redouble its efforts to hold countries to account for driving, supporting and enabling such persecution to take place.

Ahmadi Muslims must have complete freedom of religion in line with Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, for it is a right that must be guaranteed for all regardless of their faith or belief.

Contact: Siobhain McDonagh MP, Chair of the APPG for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community



Twitter: @APPG_Muslim

Notes to Editors
IRFBA statement can be found at: